Alright, so I saw "Avengers" (For the second time) with my boyfriend Alex the other day, and I just loved it. No matter how many times you see some of these clips, you can't help but fall in love with the movie. I think this is one of the best new movies of this year. So, I'm going to put up a trailer I found, as well as analysis's of the characters(Their background sort of) as well as trailers for the original movies they were in. So, I hope you enjoy!
Link for Tony:
Tony Stark:
Hero-Iron man
Analysis: A "Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist"
as he tells Steve Rogers(Captain America). When told about the
"Avengers Initiative":
I "thought I didn't qualify.
I was considered, what was it... volatile, self-centred, and I don't play well with others."
He has a girlfriend named "Pepper" Potts. She's a scientist who helps Tony with his new green energy project. Tony is essentially portrayed as a jerk who only thinks about himself, but it is revealed he actually cares about others when Phil dies fighting Loki. He gets along well with Bruce Banner(Hulk) as they share a interest in science and studies in which the other avengers don't understand. He has a piece of radio active shrapnel in his chest, and only a piece of software he created is preventing its spread throughout his body. When Loki tries to put Tony under his spell, it doesn't work due to the shrapnel. Tony teases him saying "performance issues?" He has a computer named JARVIS who can help Tony while he's in his Iron Man suit, as well as do things within Tony's home. Stark Tower is the first attempt at Pepper and Tony's green energy plan, and is later used by Loki for a set up to welcome the Chitarui army to Earth. At the end of the movie, Tony is seen in what's left of his home, looking over plans with Pepper, while the "A" in Stark is the only letter still on the Tower, which also symbolizes the Avengers.

Link for Thor:
I don't know a whole lot about him. He is of the planet Asgard, and adoptive brother to the evil Loki. He carries a hammer which helps him summon his power of lightning, as well as gives enormous power to attacks on his enemies. He tells Loki that the Earth is under his protection, and reveals that he still does care about Loki. He tries to reason with him until Tony in his Iron Man suit attacks him for taking Loki. While in the the plane on the way to S.H.E.I.L.D headquarters, there is thunder and storms as well as lighting. Steve asks him:
"What? Afraid of a little thunder?" Loki responds saying
"No, I'm juts not overly fond of what comes after it."
Thor is friendly with Phil Coulson. He apparently has a girl he cares about on earth,but she was evacuated as soon as Loki appeared.
Steve's link:
Steve Rogers:
Hero-Captain America
Analysis: At first, he and Tony disagree a lot, as Tony is self-centered and annoys the hell out of him. By the end of the movie they can rely on each other without a second thought. Tony describes Steve to Loki as: "A super soldier, a living legend who kind of lives up to legend." He was frozen in an ocean for 30 years and was awoken by S.H.E.I.L.D operatives including Phil Coulson who idolizes him. He was a project made by the army during WWII as a super soldier, testing a concoction that would help benefit the army and the battle. Steve carries a shield that acts as a boomerang, as well as a defense and offensive weapon. He is the mediator of the group, and is in charge when they need it. In the final battle, he calls out orders and directions to the others, and Tony had been the one to suggest Steve take charge, showing Tony trusts Steve now. Captain America was frozen for many years, meaning he missed a lot. When Fury pulls him back to S.H.E.I.L.D, he says
"Things are gonna be a bit of a surprise to you since you've been gone so long."
"I've seen so many strange things, I doubt anything will surprise me at this point." Steve is dubious that things have changed so much. Director Fury almost laughs.
"Ten bucks says your wrong."
Link for Bruce:
Bruce Banner:
Analysis: A scientist who tried to recreate the formula that made Steve Rogers into Captain America (As Steve had originally been small and skinny). Unfortunately, he must have missed something as he became "Hulk". Whenever he gets angry he turns into a massive green giant who can crush airplanes easily. Thor was the closest to being able to keep him under control when he lost control on the helicarrier. But, eventually even Thor didn't measure up to the angry beast. Banner detests the Hulk and refers to him as "The Other Guy" which shows he believes them to be separate beings. He gets along well with Tony Stark through their combined interest in science, and the fact that they can understand each other when they go into the realm of scientific studies. He is brought in by Natasha (the Black Widow) to help trace the gamma radiation given off by the Tesseract. He is dubious, but agrees to come anyway, making Director Fury promise he'd be allowed to leave once the Tesseract was found. When Natasha comes to recruit him, he's in the middle of the war zone, taking care of the ill. Natasha states:
"Doctor, we are talking about a major catastrope." He replies saying:
"Well those, I actively try to avoid." The prison Loki was held in while on the helicarrier was originally intended for the Hulk.
Link for Natasha: (From Iron Man 2)
Natasha Romanoff(Natalia Romanova)
Hero-Black Widow
Analysis:Originally a master assassin, she used her good looks to seduce enemies. A part of the "Black Widow Program" in Russia, she was trained to take on any opponent, no matter their size, or strength. She has a deep bond with Clint Barton(Hawk eye) as he saved her life. She had been sent to kill Tony Stark (who S.H.E.I.L.D had wanted to protect for the reason they might need "Iron Man" someday) and S.H.E.I.L.D had sent Clint Barton to assinate her. But as she reveals to Loki:
"Agent Barton was sent to kill me. He made a different call." She also claimed the only reasont she wanted Loki to release Clint was because as she says:
"I have some red on my ledger. I'll like to wipe it out." Loki responds in a vile way.
"Drakov's daughter, the hospital fire, oh yes, Barton told me all about that. Your ledger is dripping with red, how much do you think you can wash out?" She remains impassive, but Loki continues.
"You'd trade the entire world for a man no more virtuous than yourself? Is that supposed to be love?"
"Empire's fall every day. I would know, I'm Russian. Or was. Love is for children."
"This is the most pathetic thing ever. This is a child's prayer! I will have Barton kill you slowly, intimately, in ever way he knows you fear. And once he is awake enough to realize what he's done, I'll dispose of him as well."
"You're a monster!" Natasha turned away fake sobbing.
"No! It is YOU who brought the monster on board!" Natasha then turns around, her face neutral again.
"Banner. So that's your play. Thank you for your cooperation." She then walks off. As a member of the Black Widow program, she learned many interogation techniques. She and Clint are partners from time to time, and they have a deep bond. Some may call it loyalty and friendship, others love. It's still up for debate at the moment.
Link for Clint:
Clint Barton:
Analysis: Originally a hired assassin like Natasha, he was eventually recruited by Director Fury for the "Avengers Initiative" if it ever became necessary. He can hit any target, and prefers heights because he has a better perspective on the world around him. He carries his trusty bow and arrow, with his mechanical quiver. His arrows range from regular arrows, to rappel cords, to exploding arrows. Basically, you don't wanna mess with him. He was also trained for close combat, giving him the ability to become a wonderful fighter even without his bow(which he uses as a weapon even in close combat) He carries a Glock pistol with him, just in case. He spared Natasha's life when he was sent to kill her, and no one knows the real reason why. They share a deep connection, and are both stubborn. Clint was put under Loki's mind control spell, forcing him to kill many people and commit horrible deeds. He remembers all of it and hates it. Loki forces him to attack and attempt to kill his best friend, Natasha. They fight, and Natasha tries desperately not to kill him. She eventually knocks him on a railing, causing Loki's influence to flee from Clint's mind. He calls Natasha a variety of nick names which include: Nat, Tasha, and Widow. When he awakes from Loki's spell, he said that shooting an arrow through Loki's eye socket would make him feel a bit better, and Natasha claims he's back to his old self. He then joins the other avengers in their mission to save the world.
Before Loki leaves with Thor to Asgard, Natasha whispers something in Clint's ear causing him to smile. There has been much speculation on what she said.
At the end of the movie when the heroes go their seperate ways, he and Natasha get in a car driving to god knows where. We all can assume that whereever they end up rooming, their suite(s) is/are going to be covered in traps.