Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sherlock: Quotes from the Study in Pink

I enjoyed the original "Sherlock Holmes" (With Jeremy Brett) and when PBS started playing "Sherlock" a modern version of Sherlock Holmes, I couldn't resist. And I fell head over heels in love with it. Here are some quotes from the first episode;The Study in Pink(In the original Sherlock Holmes-The Study in Scarlet)

"Oh look at you lot. Your all so vacant. Is it nice not being me? It must be so relaxing."

"Dear god what is it like in your funny little brains? It must be so boring!"

 "Well this is a prime spot. Must be expensive."
 "Mrs. Hudson, the landlady is giving me a special deal. She owes me a favor. A few years back her husband got himself sentenced to death in Florida. I was able to help out."
 "You stopped her husband from being executed?"
"Oh, no. I ensured it."
-Sherlock and John(at Baker Street)

"I'm not a physcopath Anderson, I'm a highly functioning sociopath. Do your research."

"We've got a serial killer! Love those, always something to look forward to!"

"[To Sherlock] Where did you get a colleague?" [To John] "Did he follow you home?"
-Sally Donovan(unaired version)

"You've got 2 minutes"
"Might need more"
"I'm breaking every rule to let you in on this in the first place!"
"Yes, because you need me."
"Yes I do, God help me."
-Sherlock and Lestrade(Bet you can guess who says what)

"For goodness sake! I occupy a minor position in the British Government."
"He is the British Government when he's not too busy being the British Secret Services or the CIA on a freelance basis. Good evening, Mycroft. Try not to start a war before I get home, you know what it does for the traffic."
-Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes

[John has just killed the cabbie]
Sherlock: "Are you alright?"
John: "Yes, of course I'm alright."
Sherlock: "Well, you have just killed a man."
John: "Yes... that's true, isn't it... but he wasn't a very nice man."
Sherlock: "No... no, he wasn't really, was he?"
John: "No, frankly, a bloody awful cabbie.'
Sherlock: "That's true, he was a bad cabbie. You should've seen the route he took us to get here."
*both start giggling*
John: "Stop it! We can't giggle at a crime scene."

"That's fantastic!"
"Do you know you do that out loud?"
"Sorry. I'll shut up.
"No, it's...fine."
-John and Sherlock(Talking about Sherlock's deductions)

Sally Donovan: "Are these human eyes?"
Sherlock:"Put those back!"
Sally Donovan: "They were in the microwave."
Sherlock:"Its an experiment."

"Where did you get this? Dectective Inspector Lestrade?"
"I pickpocket him when he's annoying."
-John and Sherlock

[About Mycroft's discussion with John]
Sherlock:"Did he offer you money to spy on me...?"
Sherlock:"Did you take it?"
John: " ...No?"
Sherlock: "Pity, we could've split the fee. Think it through next time."

"This is how you get your kicks isn't it? You risk your life to prove your clever."
"Why would I do that?"
"Because your an idiot." *both smile*
-John and Sherlock

"Sorry, gotta dash, I think I left my riding crop in the mortuary."

Sherlock: "The bullet they just dug out of the wall is from a handgun. A killer shot like that over that distance from that sort of weapon, you're looking for a crack shot but not just a marksman, his hands musn't have shaken at all so clearly he's acclimatised to violence. He didn't fire until I was in immediate danger though, so obviously has a strong moral principles. You're looking for someone probably with a history of military service and nerves of steel... [sees John] Actually, you know what? Ignore me."
Lestrade:" ... Sorry?"
Sherlock: "Ignore all of that. It's just the, uh, shock talking."
Lestrade: "Wait, where are you going?"
Sherlock:"I just need to, uh, talk about the rent —"
Lestrade: "But I still have questions for you!"
Sherlock: "Oh, what now? I'm in shock! Look, I've got a blanket!"

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